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salad plate中文是什么意思

用"salad plate"造句"salad plate"怎么读"salad plate" in a sentence"salad plate"的同义词


  • 沙拉盘


  • The new crustacean is described in the journal of the national museum of natural history in paris . the animal is white and 5 . 9 inches long , about the size of a salad plate
    这种动物在巴黎国家自然历史博物馆的期刊中有记述:它身为白色,体长5 . 9英寸约合15厘米,其大小和一个沙拉盘差不多。
  • For those who are too busy to even cut a piece of fruit or make a salad plate , the key is to grasp every opportunity to include fruits and vegetables in your food . for example , choosing vegetable soup instead of cream soup is a very simple but effective way to boost your vegetable intake
用"salad plate"造句  


  • a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad
    同义词:salad bowl,


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